Arthritis Articles

Devil’s Claw alleviates joint pain

An effective natural remedy that has been used for centuries, Devil’s Claw alleviates joint pain, arthritis and other ailments. The plant contains active ingredients such as harpagoside and beta-sitosterol, both of which may have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies...

Health Benefits of Ginseng – 3 Varieties

Many people are familiar with the health benefits of ginseng. It is a popular herbal supplement, but did you know that there are actually several different types of Ginseng plants, each with its own unique set of health benefits? The following is an overview of the...

Thunder God Vine

Thunder God Vine Traditional Uses and Benefits Thunder god vine is an ancient Chinese herbal remedy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. The plant contains a compound called Thundergodenone, which is thought to have medicinal properties....

Glucosamine Chondroitin for Joint Health

How and why it works: First, let me tell you about my own results with glucosamine chondroitin   Click to listen highlighted text! glucosamine chondroitin for joint health are remarkable. This combination is most often used for arthritis, and a common type called osteoarthritis. Arthritic issues develop over...
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