Allergies Articles

Butterbur for Allergies and Migraines

Suffer from Spring Allergies or Seriously Bad Headaches? A simple herb could be an absolute game-changer for you, and that is Butterbur for allergies and migraines! A wonder of nature, bursting with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties Butterbur could make...

Natural Allergy Remedies for Spring

For many of us, spring brings sniffling, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. (I remember!) My past struggles every spring make me so grateful that I learned about natural allergy remedies a long time ago. Allow me to share why... Of course, I know how tempting it is to...

Boosting Immunity Naturally: The Power of Herbal Remedies

As the leaves turn and the air becomes crisp, the cold weather season often brings with it a host of common illnesses like colds, flu, and allergies. It's time of bolster your defenses against these seasonal ailments by boosting immunity naturally with the help of...

Natural Allergy Relief: My Top 6 Remedies

Natural allergy relief is something I'm asked about every spring and summer. Many of us suffer from allergies but don't like to take medications for it. They often make us feel worse in other ways, like drowsiness or a spacey feeling. I, for one, prefer to stay away...

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