Atherosclerosis Articles

Benefits of Butcher’s Broom – Too Good to be True?

Have you ever stumbled upon an age-old remedy that seems too good to actually be true? That's the story of -- and the benefits of -- Butcher's Broom! A humble plant with a rich history in traditional medicine. This incredible herb is a powerhouse when it comes to...

Grape Seed – The Benefits of Grape Wine!

Grape Seed: The seeds of grapes were once thrown away without thought, but now have become the source of a very popular supplement. Benefits of Grape Seed: Modern science has confirmed the history and benefits of grape wine does indeed have many useful properties, if...

Fo-Ti Herb – The Longevity Tonic

Fo-Ti: (Polygonum multiflorum) The Chinese believe that fo-ti   Click to listen highlighted text! fo-ti is a longevity tonic that can even keep your hair from turning gray. It has a reputation as an aphrodisiac. Traditional Chinese medicine has used the herb to treat premature aging,...

Yohimbe – Lots of do’s and don’ts

Warning - This herb is considered unsafe! Yohimbe / Yohimbine is a drug that dilates the blood vessels of the skin and mucous membranes. Botanical Name: Phaleria octandra It has been used to lower blood pressure, as an antidiuretic, for angina...
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