Vervain, the Enchanter’s Herb, carries a rich tapestry of historical reverence across various cultures. The health...
Liver Articles
Gentian Root Benefits (Updated)
While gentian root has been used traditionally as a tonic and digestive aid, its strong bitter flavor and potential...
Benefits of Parsley – Improves Kidney & Liver Function
Did You Know that Parsley is a Nutritional Powerhouse? Well, let me fill you in on the amazing benefits or parsley! In...
Health Benefits of Phyllanthus (Updated!)
Phyllanthus is a natural remedy with a rich history! When it comes to the health benefits of Phyllanthus Niruri, it's...
Kombucha Health Drink with Surprising Benefits
Kombucha, the fizzy fermented drink, is a surprisingly healthy beverage! Besides packing a tangy, sweet flavor,...
Fo-Ti Herb – The Longevity Tonic
Fo-Ti: (Polygonum multiflorum) The Chinese believe that fo-ti Click to listen highlighted text! fo-ti is a longevity tonic that can even...
Yellow Dock – Rich Source of Iron
Why Yellow Dock? It does a body good! Yellow dock is a rich resource of iron, and even helps you absorb more iron from...
Dandelion – Blood Purifier
Dandelion? Yep... the weed! Dandelion is closely related to chicory. And yes... It is a common plant worldwide and the...
Schisandra Chinensis – Happiness Elevator!
Schisandra Chinensis: Also Known As: Magnolia Vine, Wu Wei Zi, O Mi Cha. In China, in the days of the Dynasties, the...
Agrimony Herb – Gentle Purifier, Liver, Kidney, Stomach
Agrimony - (Vaccinium myrtillus) aka: Bilberry, Huckleberry, Whortleberry, to name a few. Its...
Milk Thistle – Cholesterol & Liver
Milk Thistle: The seeds, fruit, and leaves of Milk Thistle have been used since the Roman times as a liver tonic. Also...