Burns Articles

Aloe Vera Benefits more than Burns

How to use aloe vera for medicinal purposes Aloe vera benefits more than just burns. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that make it an effective natural remedy for a number of health conditions. Aloe vera gel is used...

PeePal Herb – Asthma, Bronchitis and More

Benefits of Peepal Peepal   Click to listen highlighted text! Peepal has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The tree is a native of India and its leaves have been used traditionally to treat a number of ailments. The leaves are said to be effective in treating asthma, bronchitis,...

Garlic – Antibiotic, Anti-Cancer

Garlic - the Powerful Antibiotic When chewed or crushed a powerful antibiotic chemical is released. It may not act as powerfully or quickly as antibiotics but neither does it produce the side effects that antibiotics do. While it can be as effective in fighting...

Slippery Elm – Digestive System, Colds, Burns

Slippery Elm: (Ulmus rubra) Slippery elm is often used in the treatment of inflamed digestive conditions such as colitis, diarrhea, duodenal ulcers, enteritis and gastritis. Inflammatory bowel issues, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and IBS (irritable...


Take Special Precautions with Aloe Aloe with its thick, juicy leaves, contain two distinct products used medicinally...

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