Asthma Articles

Health Benefits of Mint

Unlocking the Power of Mint ~ Let's explore the health benefits of mint today! Most of us, when we think of mint, we usually think of a refreshing flavoring we put in our tea or chewing gum to soothe our breath. From aiding digestion, to helping with respiratory...

Ivy Leaf for Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, COPD

In recent studies ivy leaf for chronic bronchitis has been found to be just as effective as medication. Specifically the Hedera helix variety. The Power of Ivy Leaf for Treating Chronic Bronchitis When it comes to bronchitis, asthma, and COPD relief, are you surprised...

Health Benefits of Ginseng – 3 Varieties

Many people are familiar with the health benefits of ginseng. It is a popular herbal supplement, but did you know that there are actually several different types of Ginseng plants, each with its own unique set of health benefits? The following is an overview of the...

Acai Berry Benefits – Superfood!

Acai berry   Click to listen highlighted text! Acai berry benefits are what establishes why this awesome fruit is considered a superfood. The nutritional profile and health benefits make them a powerhouse food that should be part of a healthy diet. The berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins,...
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