Vervain, the Enchanter’s Herb, carries a rich tapestry of historical reverence across various cultures. The health...
Insomnia Articles
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Benefits of Tart Cherries for Inflammation, Muscle Recovery, Sleep Quality
Tart Cherries may not be at the top of your list of favorite fruits, but after reading this, they just might be. The...
Health Benefits of Ginseng – 3 Varieties
Many people are familiar with the health benefits of ginseng. It is a popular herbal supplement, but did you know that...
Sleeplessness or Insomnia? How to get a Good Night’s Sleep!
How can I get to sleep and stay asleep all night? For a long time I would toss and turn in bed, and I wondered, was it...
Passion Flower for Anxiety Disorders
Passion flower (passionflower) extract has a slightly narcotic effect when taken internally. It has been used as a...
Valerian – Nature’s Valium
Valerian is known today as a natural tranquilizer with a long history of safe use. Valeriana officinalis A number of...
Natural Ways To End Sleeplessness (Updated)
It's very frustrating to even go through one sleepless night because you end up so tired the next morning that you may...