For centuries, Sarsaparilla has been known for its prowess in treating various health concerns, especially those of...
Female Issues Articles
Health Benefits of Phyllanthus (Updated!)
Phyllanthus is a natural remedy with a rich history! When it comes to the health benefits of Phyllanthus Niruri, it's...
Uva ursi – UTI, Cystitus
Uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) Common name: Bearberry. The uva ursi Click to listen highlighted text! uva ursi plant is found in colder,...
Red Raspberry
Red Raspberry : Botanical name: Rubus idaeus. Raspberry bushes are native to North America and are cultivated in...
Chasteberry, aka Chaste Tree, Agnus-Castus, Vitex Chaste tree is a large shrub. It can grow up to about 22 feet tall...
Calendula: (Calendula officinalis) Also known as Pot marigold The ancient Romans named Calendula after they saw it...
Black Cohosh – Natural Menopause Relief
In Europe, black cohosh is used to relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, headaches, psychological...
Alfalfa for high cholesterol, menopause, poor appetite
Alfalfa, a natural alternative, may help control high cholesterol, menopause and poor appetite. Alfalfa leaves also...
Herbs and Naturopathy
More and more people are turning to natural healthcare, using naturopathic medicine to treat what ails them. Taking...