“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going!” (Jim Ryun)
We all know we “should” exercise and many of us will make resolutions to fit that into our busy lives. That’s a good thing! Don’t forget to add the fact that after exercising it’s good to relax for a few minutes in a sauna, if possible, or a very warm bath (not hot), if a sauna isn’t available. This is an excellent way to release fat stored toxins in your cells.
In addition, researches have found that exercising to music helps you to stay with it longer! So put on those tunes and have some fun while you exercise. In fact, the Brunel School of Sport and Education in England found that high-energy music listened to by treadmill runners had 15% more endurance and felt more positive afterwards!
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that we also incorporate strengthening moves 2-3 times each week. They are talking about exercise such as chin ups, squats, sit ups, push ups, leg lifts and the like.
Strength training boosts your metabolism, tones your body, improves posture, increases bone density, reduces risk of injury, reduces anxiety and eases depression! Learn more about strength training at Wikipedia >>
Walking is also a great way to keep fit and healthy. Do you have a pedometer? The number of steps recommended per day is a minimum of 10,000 to help you maintain good health. How many do you think you take? A pedometer is a great way to find out and give you an incentive to reach that goal.
If you have a tendency for muscle soreness after exercise, eat red and purple fruits (such as strawberries, blueberries and cherries). They contain antioxidants and anthocyanin compounds that effectively reduce inflammation, which causes that soreness. When it comes to fruit, fresh is best but frozen is okay, too. Canned fruits and vegetables will do in a pinch, just remember they have the lowest level of nutrients.
And, if you’re exercising to lose weight, also consider keeping a food journal. Those that do are much more likely to shed pounds and keep them off. It may be a little difficult to remember to keep a food journal, but once you start, keep at it. It will soon become a very healthy habit.
I’m sure you also know that refined, process foods are high in fat and sugar, so do your best to remove them from your daily diet. You’ll not only bolster your weight loss efforts, you’ll feel more energetic and healthier by far.
So, how about you?
Do you currently have an exercise routine you go through or are you planning to make it finally happen in 2013?
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