You’ve seen the headlines, heard about it from friends, and probably even seen it in stores—CBD is everywhere!

But what exactly is CBD, and why has it become so popular? Let’s discuss the basics and therapeutic benefits of CBD.

What Is CBD?

Therapeutic Benefits of CBD

CBD stands for cannabidiol   Click to listen highlighted text! cannabidiol , a naturally occurring phytocannabinoid found in plants belonging to the Cannabis sativa family.

It is a compound found in the Cannabis sativa plant. It is one of over 100 known compounds called “ phytocannabinoids ” that have been identified and isolated from the cannabis plant.

CBD has several key differences from other phytocannabinoids, collectively referred to as THC ( tetrahydrocannabinol ). Unlike THC, CBD does not produce any psychoactive effect; meaning it will not make you feel high or intoxicated when ingested or inhaled. Instead, its primary purpose is medicinal—specifically, the therapeutic benefits of CBD are in the relief it provides with a variety of physical and mental ailments.

CBD has become one of the most talked about topics in health and wellness.

With claims that it can help treat a wide range of ailments, from anxiety to chronic pain, it’s easy to see why this natural remedy is gaining popularity.

But do these claims actually hold up? Let’s take a look at what the research says about CBD and its potential benefits.

How does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps regulate vital functions in our body such as stress response, appetite regulation, sleep/wake cycle regulation and more.

The ECS consists of two receptors: CB1 and CB2 which are found primarily in the brain but also throughout your body including organs like your heart and lungs.

When cannabinoids like CBD bind to these receptors they can help modulate different cellular processes such as inflammation levels, mood stability and even pain perception.

Therapeutic Benefits of CBD

Research has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce swelling and pain associated with arthritis.

Additionally, studies suggest that CBD may be helpful in treating symptoms related to cancer treatment such as nausea and vomiting.

Plus, some research suggests that CBD may be able to help manage addiction by reducing cravings for substances such as nicotine or heroin.

The potential benefits of taking CBD are vast and varied. Some research suggests that it could help…

  • reduce inflammation* caused by conditions, like arthritis or fibromyalgia
  • alleviate physical symptoms related to anxiety disorders
  • act as a powerful antioxidant
  • boost heart health; improve skin health
  • support brain health
  • promote healthy sleep patterns
  • reduce stress levels
  • improve digestion

and the list goes on!…

In recent years there has been an increase in research into the potential health benefits of CBD for humans due to its non-psychotropic properties that may allow it to be used for various medical conditions without causing intoxication or side effects associated with traditional pharmaceuticals drugs.

* You may also be interested in other natural ways to reduce inflammation here

More potential therapeutic benefits of CBD include:

  • reducing anxiety levels
  • helping with seizures caused by epilepsy syndromes, such as Lennox Gastaut syndrome (LGS)
  • reducing nausea related side effects for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments
  • helping benefit joint pains & arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • providing relief from chronic pain & neuropathy disorders

The idea here is that by introducing this cannabinoid into our system via supplementation (such as oils), we can help balance out these processes and potentially find relief from certain conditions like anxiety or chronic pain.

However keep in mind that much more research still needs to be done before we can accurately confirm all of these potential benefits since currently there are very few clinical studies based on using pure cannabis products that contain only CBD instead pharmaceutical grade products that contain varying ratios between different phytocompounds.

How To Use CBD

CBD is available in a variety of forms including tinctures (a liquid form that can be taken orally), capsules (which can be swallowed like a pill), concentrates (which are highly concentrated oils that are inhaled via a vaporizer) and topicals (which are creams or salves applied directly to the skin). So no matter your preference there’s an option out there for you!

Therapeutic benefits of CBD and types of preparations


It’s no secret that CBD can help with a range of physical and mental ailments, but like all treatments, it does come with some side effects.

In the majority of cases these effects are mild and temporary – think dry mouth, or feeling a bit drowsy – but in rare instances, those taking CBD may also have changes in their appetite, disruption to their sleep pattern or even diarrhea.

So while the potential benefits of taking CBD are plentiful, it pays to be mindful of the possible side effects; after all, you’re better off being prepared than caught unaware.

If you are looking into trying out cannabinoids, make sure you consult your doctor first since, depending on your condition, certain interactions could occur when used alongside prescriptions medications.


What is CBD?

When consumed or breathed, CBD, unlike THC, has no psychoactive effects, so it won’t make you feel high or drunk. Instead, its main function is medicinal; more specifically, CBD’s therapeutic advantages are found in the pain alleviation it offers for a number of physical and mental conditions.

Is CBD legal?

In short, the legality of CBD varies depending on where you live. In the United States, CBD derived from hemp is generally legal at the federal level, though laws can change from state to state and even town to town. This means that checking local regulations is key when deciding whether or not to try out CBD products like oil tinctures, edibles, and more – with a little bit of precautionary diligence you should be all set.

Where can I buy CBD?

Like anything else nowadays, the best place to buy CBD is online. Most major retailers offer a variety of products that contain CBD and make it easy for you to find what you need. Even those elusive smaller companies are available at the click of a button with the extra bonus of free shipping often included. You can even mix and match what works best for you or go all in and invest in one of the popular bundles they offer.

What is the difference between CBD and THC?

When it comes to understanding the difference between CBD and THC, it is important to differentiate between hemp and cannabis. While both products are derived from the cannabis plant, they have significantly different properties due to their distinct chemical makeup.

Specifically, CBD contains little to no THC (the psychoactive component commonly associated with marijuana), whereas THC has a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol, making users feel “high” or “stoned”. This means that CBD is a medicinal product with potential therapeutic effects, whereas THC is generally used for recreational purposes.

Conclusion on the Therapeutic Benefits of CBD:

As we can see from this overview of CBD, there’s no denying its potential health benefits! From helping with chronic pain to treating certain types of cancer symptoms to managing addiction cravings – there’s no doubt that this natural remedy offers a wide range of therapeutic effects for people looking for relief from their ailments without relying on pharmaceutical drugs.

At this point we don’t know for sure if cannabidiol is indeed the miracle cure-all that many claim it to be—but there are certainly plenty of reasons for hope!

With more and more studies being conducted every day on this fascinating cannabinoid, we may soon have enough evidence to make conclusive statements about the therapeutic benefits of CBD or its applications.

Until that happens, make sure you talk with your doctor before adding any supplement—including CBD—to your daily routine! Only then can you be sure that you’re getting all the potential benefits while avoiding any possible risks associated with taking CBD supplements.

If used safely and responsibly though it could be just what you need for natural healing and improved overall wellbeing! So, whether you’re interested in trying out one of the many forms of CBD available or just curious about what all the fuss is about – give it a shot! You might just find yourself pleasantly surprised by how much better you feel when you incorporate this powerful plant into your life.

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